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Chassis v5.5.0


An example hero banner using utility classes.


We’ve made it easy to create vouchers for all sorts of Arnold Clark employee benefits. You can also review previous vouchers, and check how many more you can use this year.

To create a voucher visit the benefits section.

<div class="ch-bg--ac-magenta ch-color--white ch-pv--3 md:ch-pv--6">
  <div class="ch-container">
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      <div class="md:ch-col--8 md:ch-col--offset-2">
        <h1 class="ch-fs--8">Vouchers</h1>
          We’ve made it easy to create vouchers for all sorts of Arnold Clark
          employee benefits. You can also review previous vouchers, and check
          how many more you can use this year.
            To create a voucher visit the
            <a href="/benefits" class="ch-color--white">benefits section</a>.