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Chassis v5.4.0


A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building user interfaces.

Download Chassis v5.4.0

v5.4.0 changelog

How to use

Chassis provides a consistent styling base layer across all Arnold Clark web applications, along with commonly used components. While it provides styling for component states, it doesn't include JavaScript functionality.

As we don't currently host Chassis on a CDN, we recommended including the CSS file in your application's assets and linking to it in your HTML.
<link href="local_path_to/chassis.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Browser support

Safari v10+
Chromium* v80+
Firefox v67+
*Includes all Chromium based browsers e.g. Google Chrome, Samsung Internet and Edge.


Chassis is an open project and we want to encourage everyone to contribute. Spot something that's broken or think something is missing? Join the chat in Teams, or have a go at fixing it yourself and put in a pull request.

See GitHub for more details.